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The Self-confidence seminar with Julia and the horses left lasting feelings in me. I left with new realizations from the field of "my blind spots" in the unconscious. I increased the level of self-reflection, of what is happening inside me and how well I manage to control my emotions and thoughts. I explored the power of intention and the effect of going out of my comfort zone. I felt how I am framing myself in my thoughts and actions, going to extremes and how unnecessary this was.
Horses teach me to connect with myself and just be.
Thank You!

Teodora Kamenova

Seminar "Self-Esteem"

The horses and Julia showed me in depth the influence. How thoughts and feelings affect us, how we design and interact with others. I discovered how "internal dialogue" helps or hinders our relationships with people. How our or other people's thoughts and feelings are projected on others and how they affect the results we get in our lives and society. Horse seminars are a deep, personal, effective and authentic experience, learning and personal development.

Emil Minev

Seminar "Influence"

The seminar was very useful for me. I had the opportunity to look at myself and work on certain things in my personality. I have found that certain recurring situations in my life can be affected in different ways, and that is entirely up to me. I recommend the seminars with the horses and Julia, because of the constructive atmosphere, the pleasant emotion and the important topics, which are discussed and made meaningful through an immediate and unique approach.

Vesela Koleva

Seminar "Influence"

Anyone who needs to be closer to their true self and get to know unsuspected aspects of their nature benefits from meeting with horses. During the seminar and with Julia's guidance, this happens in an immediate, friendly way. Julia 's experience and skills, as well as her professionalism, imperceptibly lead to the achievement of excellent results in personal development.

Savina Matakieva

Seminar "Emotions"

I was at two seminars with horses: Influence and Self-confidence.
What horses give very quickly and clearly is feedback on whether and how you do it, whether you manage to influence or not. They do not lie, they do not disguise themselves behind false joy or benefit in order to fulfill the things you demand. You manage to convince them to go and follow you, or not. By drawing a parallel in your life with such situations, you give yourself a very clear idea of ​​how you act - decisively or not, slowly or quickly, with attention to the others or focused only on yourself.
For me, the trainings bring awareness and are very useful with their theoretical and practical parts, as well as with the discussions at the end.​

Diana Koleva

Seminars "Influence" and "Self-Esteem"

Horses and the seminar with them reminded me significantly how important it is to pay attention to what we think, because they influence behavior, body language and choice of actions. I realized that I should not give up but try different ways. Julia provides a different and effective way to realize and understand the concepts of influence, motivation and awareness.

Petya Koteva

Seminar "Influence"

I recommend Julia's horse seminars because I think it's an alternative and profound way to work with yourself ... The helping horses gave me more confidence in the process than other established standard practices.

Elena Bogdanova

Seminar "Emotions"

The seminar “Emotions and how to tame them”, which took place in The Horseman Ranch and led by Julia Slawow-Tonew turned out to be key factor in realizing my true nature, closed so far very deep inside me. The lecture and the activities with horses revealed to me a new and different world, real and unadulterated, to which I actually always belonged, but I could not feel it.
Unfortunately, I lost my authenticity in my early childhood, creating an image that was acceptable and helped me survive in an aggressive environment among people with very different sensitivities from mine. Being in complete hopelessness, having lost faith in people and in the good, but at the same time looking for the right way to myself, I read about a seminar near Sofia with the participation of horses. I've always liked them a lot, but I've never had the opportunity to interact with them.
So, in this wonderful and magnetic place, where the ranch is located, in the process of dealing with horses, I have quite unconsciously projected thoughts and emotions on them. Later, seeing the symbolism in their reactions, I realized that I was getting answers about faces and events in my life that I had been looking for so long.
For me, the seminar with the participation of horses is the beginning of a journey to myself, a symbolic rebirth, a rediscovery of my value system, a rearrangement of my priorities. It is a path that goes through painful trials and the discovery of difficult truths, but also filled with much faith and hope for a new beginning.

Boryana Dacheva

Seminar "Emotions"

Self-knowledge, experience in a different context in which you can touch your true self - this was for me the seminar with Julia and horses as teachers. With their help, I realized that I needed to be more confident in stating who I was and what I wanted. I learned that I can handle situations that scare me and put me out of my comfort zone. Horse seminars are a unique way to explore yourself and find your inner strength.

Ivelina Slavova

Seminar "Influence"

It's amazing but a fact. Working and communicating with horses very clearly reveals and gives you the opportunity to observe and realize your thoughts, emotions and to determine or choose how you want to act. The seminar was useful for me because I had the opportunity to experiment with different approaches and ways of self-analysis, to look inside myself and to realize my emotions.

Iva Avramova

Seminar "Emotions"

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